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Bioresonance Therapy is a painless and quick method of testing and treatment that offers the possibility of specifically treating all kinds of diseases successfully. It uses the concepts of eastern energy medicine, homeopathy and quantum physics to help the body’s self regulatory system. It also assists the body by boosting the healing signals that pass between the immune system and cells in the body while suppressing the signals given off by allergens and other stressors.
Bioresonance therapy has proved very effective in strengthening the immune system, hormonal and metabolic imbalances, tumors and malignances, heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, autoimmune diseases, food intolerance, headache and insomnia, in the treatment of pre and post operative conditions. It is a non-invasive therapy which involves placing electrodes on your skin for diagnosis and treatment. The testing is done on various acupuncture points on the hands and bare feet using a specialized computer program with stored frequencies from over 70, 000 substances. The computer is connected to a machine that collects data and provides individualized treatment. The BRT machine recognizes and collects pathological (diseased) frequency, reworks them and sends back new enhanced sound frequencies and thus activates the self-renewing force in the body. In simple words the machine reprograms unhealthy frequencies in healthy one and simultaneously emits specific vibrations that help the body to overcome the disease and thus restore health and strengthen the immune system if the disease has not yet occurred. The therapy starts with a personal diagnosis to see if you would benefit from BRT, and if so, a course of treatment would be recommended along with dietary requirements. What is Bioresonance good for?
All cells, organs, bones, muscles, and tissue vibrate at their own rate of frequency and in complete harmony and make the Body Energy Field (BEF). Therefore the whole body has a complex frequency make up which can change or become distorted when affected by illness or toxic substances. BRT deals with the real underlying causes of chronic and degenerative diseases. Bioresonance is a biofeedback therapy which can target, stimulate and boost the various bioelectrical signature patterns produced by the body to restore health and combat illness. The Holistic Panama now offers Bioresonance Therapy treatments in strengthening the body. Contact our therapist for more details on Bioresonance Therapy
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