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Previous studies show that when a certain individual is ill, he will have a unique set of patterns in his own physical, emotional and even mental symptoms. Another thing is that even though that when two individuals acquired the same disease they still have two different set of patterns in their symptoms. Because of those findings, researches concluded a natural pharmaceutical science call homeopathic medicine or homeopathy. Homeopathy is a system based on the law of similars. It is strongly founded by the S.C.F Hahnemann, a German physician. Hahnemann expressed his ideas with the Latin motto “Similia Similibus Curentur” which means in English that, “Let similars be treated with similars”.
This system suggested that when a homeopathic physician is able to recognise what is to be treated in a certain patient and is able to find cure or remedy, he will have understood the art of prescribing in homeopathy. The system viewed health as a process of tending to maintain a state of so called ‘optimum equilibrium’. Homeopathic medicines aimed to direct and stimulate the body’s natural process of regulation. Here’s an example how stated in global medicine hub on how this law of similarity works. Assuming there is a certain person presents with red eyes, a runny nose and a burning throat. The discharge of the nose is thin and watery yet excoriates the path it runs down turning it to red. One would recognise the symptoms of a cold. But the same symptoms are caused by Allium Cepa, as anyone who has the experience of peeling and cutting the small red onion would attest to. Moreover, this means that the cure that would be a similimum to the said scenario as above would the second one, Allium Cepa prepared and dispensed in the art of homeopathy. Similimum means the homeopathic remedy that most exactly reproduces symptoms of any disease. Conventional medicines like therapy in choosing the radiation to treat people with cancer, digitalis for heart conditions,and ritalin for hyperactive children use the procedures of homeopathy. These conventional medicines utilized only the law of similars but not all the principles of homeopathy. They are not individually prescribed to the degree of selectivity common in homeopathy and they are not prescribed in a same safe and small dose. The law of similars not only works in the field of medicine but also to other fields. In fact, it has a global historical basis in healing, art, writing and more. In the 4th Century BC, Hippocrates said that “Through the like, disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured”. Another well known alchemist and physician in the 15th Century named Paracelsus formulated his “Doctrine of Signatures” proclaimed the value of using similars in healing. He dropped the words “You there bring together the same anatomy of the herbs and the same anatomy of illness into one order. This simile gives you understanding of the way in which you shall heal.” Shakespeare also recognized the value of similars in his writings of his Romeo and Juliet: "Tut, man, one fire burns out another's burning; One pain is lessened by another's anguish, Turn giddy and be holp by backward turning; One desperate grief cures with another's languish. Take thou some new infection to the eye, And the rank poison of the old will die." And even Johann Wolfgang Goethe acknowledged its value in his most famous play Faust: "To like things like, whatever one may ail; there's certain help." Indeed the use of similar concept is globally acknowledged. In Eastern part, aikido a martial art uses the law of similars as basis for a attempts to butt up directly against the attacker’s forwards. There are more into deep wells of studies when it comes to the field of the law of similars. This basic law should be more cultivated not only into wisdom but into basic life practice in order to give vote for the art of natural medicine. It will help us to avoid too much conventional medicines that can easily destroy our body’s systems. This basic law will be the bright future of medicine. Drop us an email if you need help. Contact us today!
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