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Cold laser therapy or laser therapy is a relatively new technology that use low levels of light to stimulate healing within cells. It is sometimes called low-level laser therapy and is traditionally used to eliminate and reduce pain, speed of the healing, and reduce swelling. It also helps to reduce scar tissue, inflammation, adhesions and pain.
The goal of cold laser therapy is to deliver light energy units from infrared laser radiation, called photons, to damaged cells. The consensus of experts is that photons absorbed by the cells through laser therapy stimulate the mitochondria to accelerate production of ATP. Over 4000 studies have been conducted in recent years to validate the effectiveness of cold laser therapy. Cold Laser Therapy Uses Cold Laser therapy offers a non-intrusive option to acupuncture and surgery. Cold lasers are FDA cleared and widely used for treatment of: Acupuncture Acupuncturists use cold laser therapy for clients who are uncomfortable with needles. The low-level laser beams targets the acupuncture points the same way needles do, but without piercing your skin. Aches and Pains Therapeutic massage therapy sometimes involves cold laser and therapy and pains clinics use it to help patient who are suffering from chronic pain. Wound Healing Cold laser therapy is being used to treat hard-to-heal wounds, including wounds related to diabetes. Skin Rejuvenation Cold laser therapy is used to promote skin rejuvenation. Dermatologists use it to treat various skin problems such as ulcers, burns, inflammation of the skin (edema), and rashes (dermatitis). Other uses of Cold Laser Therapy:
Is Cold Laser Therapy Painful and Dangerous? There is no discomfort during treatment, just the feeling of the device on your skin. It creates no heat, sound, or vibration. Most of the time, one treatment will only take for a few minutes. Under the care of doctor or qualified practitioner, cold laser therapy is considered safe. It’s non-invasive, painless, and there’s no need for medication or other preparation. There are no side effects or reported adverse events as well. Cold laser therapy has been studied now for many years and has resulted in many successful stories. It is scientifically proven therapy and is frequently use in medical treatments. If you’re interested in cold laser therapy, speak with us! Cold laser therapy is now available at Holistic Panama! Drop us an email and get a free consultation today! We can help!
Scott Armstrong
8/28/2017 09:13:27 am
I am interested in Cold Laser Therapy. Can this be used for Lower Back pain. I have significant disc degeneration between L4 & L5 and this cause a lot of pain and limits my ability to exercise
8/28/2017 10:56:52 am
Hello Scott
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