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Gemmotherapy is an emerging natural medicine, compared to homeopathy. Gemmotherapy is a phytoembryotherapy with extractions made from the germinating parts of trees and shrubs. It is more potent than whole herbs and plants as these buds, shoots, rootlets, and germinating embryonic parts contain plant growth hormones much like human stem cells. Ingredients are harvested in the spring at the peak of sprouting. At that time plants contain the highest levels of vitamins, plant hormones and enzymes.
It uses plant bud extract and other embryonic plant tissues to open cellular detoxification pathways. Gemmotherapy has a multi-level effect on the body and can be used for nearly all conditions- acute and chronic- as it drains, nourishes, repairs, and produces regeneration. It is considered a cellular drainage therapy as it acts to first detoxify and clear the emunctories (elimination organs). Next it drains the accumulated toxins, metabolic waste products, and debris from the cells discharging these through the newly optimized organs of elimination. Homeopathic medicines are a type of “energy medicine”, while Gemmotherapy are nutritional due to the crude doses of the plant and are energetic due to the use of the emerging bud or flower of the plant. Homeopathy works with the vital force of the body to heal its self, while Gemmotherapy has distinct action on specific organs tissues to optimize the body’s ability to eliminate, clean and then heal itself. The two therapies are absolutely complimentary and when used together can hasten the healing process. Remedies for Common Conditions
Gemmotherapy is safe for babies, children and adults. It is best used under the guidance of a qualified practitioner, even for simple ailments. There is a wonderful feeling to these remedies and all the contained life force they have. That potential needs to be respected and used respectfully. For more information about Gemmotherapy visit Holistic Panama and join this incredible journey of repairs and regeneration to heal and enhance the self-awareness and restoring the natural state of health that people have within their selves.
1 Comment
Thank you for sharing this very informative content I read a lot of importance's to live longer by taking self care by drinking food supplements daily. I also recommend Haarlem Oil made from France. It can help to boost your immune system to fight against viruses and infections.
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