The Koginka Sewaluna foundation has been created by our beloved Mentor, Mama Nuiyen (Koginka Kamaru Xue), for the preservation and promotion of the "Holistic Wise Ways" of earth restoration, and the balancing and harmonization of our Living Mother earth. Coming from Ancient spiritual and practical knowledge that the Kogi have never ceased to hold, in order to preserve and live in accordance with the great Mother for countless Millennia.
Koginka is an Andean Maestro who has given his whole life to be in dedicated service to the planet, and to bring consciousness through living knowledge to those who are willing to open their hearts, and engage correctly with nature, and our current experience as humanity.
Koginka has recently been recognized as an authentic 'Mama' by the Kogi Mamas of the Sierra Nevada, Colombia (something of which has never happened before in Kogi History.)
He has been given the title 'Mama Nuiyen' which signifies "the sun shines for everybody." As such, he has a direct mission, given to him in order to assist greatly with our current planetary situation, and to help heal the world.
We are privileged to be an extension of this great Maestro, and to be a branch of this tree that is working endlessly to bring balance and harmony to the planet. All that we do in our practice comes out of the knowledge that has been passed to us directly by the Mama Nuiyen and the Kogi Elders. We are attempting to hold impeccably the mission that the Kogis are working to bring to the rest of the world. Our greatest service is to be in loving, active reciprocity with the creation in this country Panama, and to assist souls to come into something truly authentic and sacred.
Please visit for more information - or to donate towards an impeccable world mission, in service to the Divine Mother.
(All heartfelt donations will be put into action, to allow the Kogi to purchase the land and sacred places that are rightfully theirs and that have been invaded by reckless younger brothers. Without theses places they cannot continue to work in Sacred Reciprocity with all ancestral spiritual seed guardians that hold the harmony of all living things in the Creation.)