- Training & Mentorship Program
Training & Mentorship Program
The training & mentorship program with Holistic Panama encompasses the Full Spectrum of Holistic - Vibrational - Energetic and Spiritual Knowledge That we have integrated in our years of training with the Masters .. at Its heart - It is a Tranformational Program that will move you in ways that you never could imagine. Our clients are forever changed by undergoing and following the unfolding journey Led by our expertise and your own soul’s potential -realizing itself through this sacred work.
The training program includes the Full Vibrational Healing Program as well as the Holistic Detoxification Program. These are very necessary aspects as the full spectrum training implies the need of deep energetic clearing and physical & non-physical purification and refinement. For spiritual training & transformation to be real , it must include a great deal of clearing and energetic purification. Real Training is on the level of the soul and luminous body & therefore much heaviness and density must be eliminated for this essential aspect of ourselves to be brought forth & empowered.
What Will I Experience ?
You are now essentially walking with us - in our own journey with the mother. You are now “backed up” by a powerful energetic & spiritual work to support your changes & make your transformation possible & guaranteed !.. every client that has taken this life changing journey with us can “feel’ this “back up” in their lives in a short amount of time. This is "sacred alliance’ and the beginning of recovering necessary ancestral connections..
You are going to be ‘facing yourself’ in tremendous ways throughout this program and fully supported to ‘break through’, this is what changes you !.. the common experience on this program is that after 3 months - the person will look back and cannot believe how far he/she has come. The old ‘character' & vibrational ‘identity' that you were when you started has completely been transformed .. as time and clearings unfold - and momentum increases your transformation & realizations in the work will quicken..
How Does the Work Happen ?
You will have at least one session with us per week where you will receive the work and the synchronistic guidance & support - which will always be highly individual & specific to your own process . This is not a recipe - as every case is extremely unique and needs its own compatible elements to make success.
Perception & vibrational readings lead the way fully in our programs - we follow the energy strictly as it always reliably determines what is correct in each instance . This way we are sure to ‘get you through’ . Its a navigation process and the end result is the amazing recovery of your natural power - potential - and true spiritual alignment.
Your process will be guided perfectly ! you will be given the tools & elements of power to apply directly to your life . This makes each moment of every day a training ground to develop yourself. Life has always been this but you have not had the awareness & energetic support to really engage with it at this level. This support & empowerment comes from us and you will feel it & know it in your life .. you will begin to see the profound meaning in all of your life events complete with the understanding of why that particular event or circumstance is playing out. Its coming out of your own energy! and the sessions with us each week will show you exactly how you are creating everything and therefore how you can change your own circumstance with awareness .. This is true power in life - to recognize that you are the center and the projector of the entire "movie" of your life and you have always had the controls at your disposal to determine what stays & what goes .
Ultimately , our lives are meant to be in the highest accordance & alignment with our soul's purpose ... this program is fully about recovering that ' original soul agreement ' and sacred purpose that you came into this world with. There is so much to bring into consciousness -clear - eliminate & dispose of to recover that purpose and this full spectrum program is guaranteed to get you there !