Nutrition is one of our most profound MEDICINES, and is probably the biggest element that is overlooked when it comes to healing the body. Nutrition can be very confusing, largely in part because of the unimaginable level of Genetic Modifications and overall tampering that is in our current food sources. We hear one day that something is good for us, and the next that it is dangerous. There is so much ambiguity and oppositional views - many times we need someone to 'crack the code' for us. The truth is that there is a correct diet for each INDIVIDUAL person, based on their constitution and current state of health. It is always an unfolding and changing process that must be followed with care and understanding. Heal your gut with nutrition and safe effective therapies - Learning how to safely incorporate FERMENTED FOODS and live foods into your daily life is one very important part of that. Practitioners worldwide are coming to understand the importance of good bacteria/ gut flora also known as the microbiome and how it plays a key part in your health, and overall wellbeing - even our level of happiness! We need to learn how to cultivate a healthy micro biome, and then eat foods that nourish and take care of it. This is a great passion of ours and something we are happy to share. Note: There are 100 times the micro flora in a serving of fermented vegetables than in your probiotic capsule. Cooking classes are available. The mantra is "conscious and healthy food should taste amazing." We delve into the richness and abundance of the earth and all of the goodness that we have been given to be healthy and thriving beings. Learn to cook for yourself and your own health, as well as for that of your families.
As Hipocraties says: "All disease begins in the gut" - and therefore so does your health!
Really important in our nutritional practice is the determination of proper food compatibility for our clients . Due to the overwhelming tampering with natural & god given foods by modern industry , we are paying the price by developing new food allergies each day. It is no longer surprising to see that what was okay for us one week has changed into an intolerable food allergen the next week .. if left unchecked , then by persisting to consume that food our clients can rapidly develop leaky gut - severe inflammation - and even auto immune disorders.
We stay ahead of this by proper assessment of compatible nutrition for our clients . By use of vega testing - bio-resonance - pulse readings & dowsing, we are able to accurately determine the correctness / or incorrectness of all possible dietary combinations and guide & coach our clients to heal themselves using proper nutrition determined specifically for them. These nutritional assessments can save years of unfortunate frustration & serious disorders by analyzing & correcting dietary mistakes long before they become factors of disruption for the body.